Become a Shell Lake Non-Profit Member in 2024 and make a positive impact on our local business climate and community. By joining as a non-profit organization, you'll receive a reduced membership fee, making it easier for you to support and contribute to our collective success. Membership also grants you access to discounted advertising opportunities, shared content, and a website listing, allowing you to reach a wider audience and network with other like-minded businesses. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to connect, collaborate, and grow with the Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce.
SLCOC Non-Profit Membership 2024
Thank you for becoming a member of the Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce! Please complete the membership form and email to or mail to:
Shell Lake Chamber of Commerce
PO BOX 121
Shell Lake, WI 54871The following convenience fees are added to membership total in order to cover all credit card processing fees! Thank You!
$50 Membership = $2 fee
$75 Membership = $3 fee
$150 Membership = $5 fee